Palestinian militants in Gaza declare a cease-fire with Israel.


Reuters, Aug. 7 - Gaza/Jerusalem The most major flare-up on the Gaza border in more than a year may be coming to an end thanks to a truce declared late on Sunday between Israel and the terrorist Palestinian Islamic Jihad group.

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Rocket strikes on Israeli cities were sparked by Israeli troops bombing Palestinian targets over the weekend, although they had mostly subsided by the time the ceasefire began at 23:30. (20:30 GMT).

Israel and Islamic Jihad both thanked Egypt for facilitating the ceasefire in separate statements that were released afterward.

The three-day fighting mimicked the buildup to earlier battles in Gaza, but it was largely restricted since Hamas, the ruling Islamist organisation in the Gaza Strip and a more potent force than Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad, had so far refrained from participating.

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44 Palestinians have been killed, over half of them civilians and children, according to Gazan officials. Residents of Tel Aviv and Ashkelon, among other cities, were forced to seek shelter as the missiles threatened parts of southern Israel.

Israel launched what it called pre-emptive strikes against what it believed would be an attack by Islamic Jihad to punish the group's leader Bassam al-detention Saadi's in the occupied West Bank on Friday.

Islamic Jihad responded by launching a large number of missiles at Israel. Ziyad al-Nakhala, the group's leader, declared at a news conference in Tehran that Cairo will "try to achieve the release" of al-Saadi. Requests for reaction from Israeli and Egyptian officials were not immediately answered.

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As retaliation for Israel killing its commander in southern Gaza over the course of the previous night—the second such senior officer it has lost in the fighting—Islamic Jihad extended its firing range on Sunday to include Jerusalem.

West of the city, according to Israel, the rockets were shot down by an Iron Dome interceptor. While Hamas claimed that all Palestinian fatalities were brought on by Israeli strikes, the military said that others had failed, resulting in a number of casualties in Gaza.

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U.S. President Joe Biden expressed support for the ceasefire in a statement and asked for a probe into any civilian deaths, regardless of whether Israeli airstrikes or rockets from the Islamic Jihad that apparently fell within Gaza were to blame.

After war breakouts in 2008–09, 2012, 2014, and last year, Palestinians combed through the rubble of destroyed homes to recover personal property while dazed by the latest wave of bloodshed.

"Who desires war? No one. However, we also find it difficult to remain silent when leaders, children, and women are slain "said a cab driver from Gaza who only went by the name Abu Mohammad. 'Eye for an eye'

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